Monday 29 November 2010

This is another shot from my film. I have tried to incorporate the same elements I have been researching in a three point lighting set up.
As you can see above I have again marked the area of over exposure in red and the frame within the camera frame in blue.
The key light for this shot was a standard ceiling light. The fill light was behind the chair. It was a red head light which was pointed at the wall behind the wall so as to diffuse the light that was actually hitting the the actor. The back light was another red head which was out in the hallway. It was positioned so it was shining directly onto the door and door was angled to get some light to shine onto the actor.

In the pictures above you can see how even though the shot tracks forward slowly I have tried to stick as close to the golden mean as possible. I composed my first image and then the last one and made sure that they were both sticking as close as they could be.

I also tried to use the golden mean within the door frame to add some extra depth and meaning to the composition.
I have tried to keep these elements in place throughout my film.

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