Saturday 27 November 2010

More testing and Light Diagrams

One of the locations being used in the film is an empty garage. I have looked at the location and tried out some different lighting options.
This diagram shows how my lights will be positioned for the shoot. The first light will be positioned some distance away from the garage and will be directed right through the door. The distance from the garage depends on how strong a light I decide to have for the shots which take place inside the garage itself.

The second light will be positioned next to one of the windows which run down the side of the garage and will shine in at an angle to add some fill light.

I will be using red gels on the lights for most of the shots at this location.

One particular shot that was tested will be a tracking shot. The camera will track back while the man walks forwards. This shot will will be lit with a single red head light. The light will be positioned high up and angled down to shine straight onto the man in the shot. The light will be positioned at the end of the alley behind the camera.

Below is a video of some testing for this shot.

Tracking Tests from Robert Hull on Vimeo.

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