Saturday 27 November 2010

Testing for over exposure

Test shooting was carried out in order to try and find how far I could push the over exposure without making an image hard to look at.

This first shot was shot with an open iris and a shutter speed of 1/60.
I felt this was a bit too much for the look I want my film to have.
The second shot was taken with an f stop of 2.8 and once again the shutter was set at 1/60.
This shot was taken with an f stop of 5.6 and again the shutter was kept at 1/60.
The light behind the chair was also moved slightly further away from the wall in this shot.
This final shot was taken with an f stop of 5.6 but the shutter was changed to 1/25.
This is the kind of exposure I want for my final piece. The slightly dingy look to the room and the man in the chair set against the wall which is over exposed.

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