Sunday 31 October 2010

Test Shooting 1

Testing 1 from Robert Hull on Vimeo.

The first two shots in this test footage were lit using one red head. A red gel was placed over the light. However this didn't seem to match the style I was trying to recreate. The first shot was a bit too pink in some places. The gel wasn't dark enough so for the second shot I switched to a darker red. This was closer to what I was trying to achieve but the light was still very intense. The room I was shooting in was quite small so perhaps if I could have moved the light further away from the shot it might have more closely resembled the style from the opening of Bronson.

This image is from the final shot. The red head was swapped for a bedroom lamp and the dark red filter was held over it. Because this light was not as powerful I was able to retain a lot of the darkness in the shot and achieve a much more atmospheric look.

Comparing this screen shot from Bronson with the image above it is very similar. Depending on the locations that are used in my final film I will adjust what type of lights I use. If I use a big space I might try to use red heads and simply position them further away. In smaller spaces I will use simple household lights to achieve the right look.

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